Current Obsession 06/15/13: Yeezus

I have no words! And yet I must talk about this! I was gonna be good and wait till Tuesday for the album to release but I just couldnt wait and I am just overwhelmed with how beyond compare this album really is! This is the album I’ve been waiting for. I’ve actually been pretty down on new music in the last year or so. While there have been some great albums, I couldnt find anything that really revolutionized the soundscape once again. I pinned all my hopes on this years “Random Access Memories” by Daft Punk and I came away sorely disappointed. While I dont think it was a bad album, I just felt like it was an album that looked back on the history of music rather than stretching its bounds into new territory. “Yeezus” is basically Kanye’s song “Monster” stretched to album length blended with 808’s and Heartbreaks, Nine Inch Nails, These New Puritans and Daft Punk. The music is ingenious, beautiful, heart wrenching, ear splitting and terrifying! It’s Kanye’s darkest work and also maybe his best. The opening seconds of “On Sight” assault your brain with a crushing beat produced by… Daft Punk! The album continues from its aggressive introduction with an onslaught of crushing beats over Kanye hating on everything and everyone with just the right amount of absurdity and tongue in cheek(ish) Kanye flare. “Black Skinhead”, “I am A God”, “New Slaves”. Each song just keeps upping the ante as Kanye tops himself again and again. When the album does finally begin to slow down during the second half, Kanye’s now familiar autotune croon of 808’s and “Runaway” takes over this time backed by everything from Billie Holiday samples to gently stroked grand pianos to blaring horns. No moment on  the album is wasted with constant new sounds and ideas sending shockwaves through your brain as it tries to grasp the sheer amazement of the sounds coming into you ears. I’ve only heard the album once but all I want to do is dive back in and hear it a hundred more times. I can guarantee this will be playing constantly in my car this summer as I dive deeper. This album is not to be missed.


What do you think?