Song of the Day 09/08/12: Random and Lost Perceptions – Cry of the Planet

Since I’ve started posting my Ode’s to Final Fantasy VII, I figured I should share another man’s Ode to FFVII.  Random, best known by his moniker Mega Ran, is a rapper who started creating beats using Mega Man songs and rapping over them.  He was on a long flight playing Final Fantasy VII on his PSP when he got the ingenious idea to create a FFVII concept album!  The album uses remixed FFVII soundtrack beats, created by producer Lost Perceptions.  Random then wrote raps that take you through the basic storyline of FFVII.  It is truly amazing stuff.  My favorite is “Cry of the Planet” where he gets real, tying the Cries of the Planet from FFVII to the real cries of the planet and rapping about problems in our modern world.  If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy VII and hip hop and you’ve never heard this album, you seriously need to jump on that like right now!

What do you think?