Build a Workout Burnout: Kid Sister – Right Hand Hi

Kid Sister’s “Right Hand Hi” works for one very solid reason. A MONSTER BEAT! One of the most ferocious bass beats I’ve heard in recent memory, the song works great as a burnout because your body just cant think of moving slowly to something this aggressive. One weakness is that I really wanted to break out dancing when I heard it, which unfortunately is not a good idea on a treadmill.

Build a Workout Mix: Successful Mix 7

If you’re not sure what this is about, start by heading HERE and reading the introduction to this section of my blog.

This mix is an altered version of Successful Mix 6 which can be found HERE


2. We R Who We R – Ke$ha

3. Crazy In Love – Beyonce

4. Paper Planes – M.I.A.

5. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas

6. Right Hand Hi – Kid Sister

7. Dont Stop the Music – Rihanna

8. My Life Feat. Lil Wayne – The Game

Since my last mix was already mostly pop and electronic music, I decided to completely dedicate this mix to that theme. I replaced “Boom Boom Pow” with some Daft Punk, and moved it down to replace “Chariots of Fire”. I also added “Paper Planes” and “Dont Stop the Music” as my new strides and “Right Hand Hi” replacing the B’z. Finally I added The Game’s “My Life” to replace the Offspring to complete my all pop oriented mix.

Daft Punk’s “HARDER, BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER” is a perfect Warm Up because the song has this natural build to it. It starts off working with these separate ideas and then starts playing them off of one another ratcheting up the songs intensity. When the 2 minute mark hits and the song reaches its best sections, my body was primed for my run. Couldnt ask for more.

We R Who We R” and “Crazy In Love” continue to do their jobs.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, strides are all about consistent beats and a bit of variety to keep you interested. “Paper Planes” is a natural fit, providing a cathartic beat juxtaposed with an amazing hook full of gunshots and M.I.A.’s soft vocals. This one is a winner.

If there was any stumble in my workout, it was probably “Boom Boom Pow“. While the song worked great as a mix opening warm up, it stumbles a bit as a mid-mix song. At this point I was getting pretty tired and was looking forward to taking things down a notch. This song just starts with a bit too much intensity for the slower paced song I was hoping for. Still, I made it work and it wasnt enough to ruin or breakup my workout so I’m still claiming success. If anything it made me run a little bit faster and longer.

Kid Sister’s “Right Hand Hi” works for one very solid reason. A MONSTER BEAT! One of the most ferocious bass beats I’ve heard in recent memory, the song works great as a burnout because your body just cant think of moving slowly to something this aggressive. One weakness is that I really wanted to break out dancing when I heard it, which unfortunately is not a good idea on a treadmill.

Rihanna songs are almost always good for strides. They have fun beats that keep you moving and often times allow for some great sing-alongs to keep you entertained for their entire length. Plus who doesnt love Rihanna’s voice?

For a cooldown I selected The Game’s “My Life”. Two reasons. The first is I’m a big fan of Lil Wayne’s autotuned singing (Sacrilegious I know). The second is that a good emotional story is a great way to end a run, encouraging you to finish out those last couple minutes by keeping your brain occupied.

So there you have it. Another run finished and another mix completed.