94. Caedmon’s Call – Back Home


Caedmon’s Call is a Christian contemporary alternative rock collective that incorporates folk and world music influences.  Back Home is by far my favorite album by the band, because I think it has the strongest songs and themes.  I like Caedmon’s Call because their lyrics aren’t the traditional, “we worship you” lyrics all the time, and they also know how to create great music that doesn’t have that three chord traditional Christian worship song feeling.  Their folk vibe sets them apart, and they have three singers and multiple song writers that keep the variety flowing.

Lifted straight from Wikipedia:

The band’s unusual name was inspired by Cædmon, an Anglo-Saxon cow-herder who lived during the 7th century.  Legend has it that Caedmon was afraid to sing in public due to a lack of musical talent and shied away from occasions where he had to sing.  After leaving a feast one night because he was too embarrassed to sing, he lay down in the pasture with the cattle to sleep.  An angel appeared to him in a dream, calling him to sing.  After refusing he eventually decided to sing, and when he did he sang beautiful verses that had never been heard before, based on the story of creation and using the style of pre-Christian, Anglo-Saxon poetry.  Founding band members Cliff, Danielle, and Aaron decided on the name “Caedmon’s Call” after all three heard this story during the same week and thought it was fitting.

How does it make me feel?

Like I’ve gone to heaven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and his love for me and that heaven is a wonderful place.

What to Listen for Track by Track

  The coolness of the opening of Only Hope.  And when he says “Like Isaiah, I’m undone” because him singing my name always makes me smile.  My name is not in many songs.

  The shock of hearing female harmonies open You Created and how it flows flawlessly into the acoustic guitar.  And Cliff Young’s vocals.  Then the piano coming in and Derek Webb taking over on vocals.  SO GOOD!  Oh, and the strings that subtly slip in near the end of the song and blend with the piano.

  The cool pots and pans sounding percussion of Hands of the Potter.

  Derek Webb’s voice on The Emptiest Day and its lyrics about looking for the well that doesn’t run dry, and how he can face anything because of God’s love.

♦   The Kingdom. It’s the song that won me over with its cool unique middle eastern sound, and the orchestral parts are amazing too.

♦   High Countries is my second favorite track on the album which originally drew my attention because it is a song based on one of the greatest books ever written, “The Great Divorce,” by CS Lewis.  If you haven’t read the book, go read it.  Once again, the female vocals shine through on this song, and allows for one of the best calming effects I know of.  I love how the men take the back up position to create some amazing harmonies.  Plus, Derek Webb singing “Would you fall?” in the background, always gives me chills.  The final minute where the music drops out and comes back in again.

  MY favorite song on the album and in my opinion one of the greatest songs ever written is Mystery of Mercy.  The main reason I say this is that the music and the lyrics mirror each other, PERFECTLY.  Every word ties so well to every flow of the music.  It also has a perfect emotional build, starting with sadness and confusion, and builds toward joy in Christ and the power of God’s Love, then ends in worship.  I think if someone was to ask what is the heart of Christianity, you could play them Mystery of Mercy and nail the answer perfectly.  I cannot stress just how much I love, literally, EVERY moment of this song.

      The opening strings perfectly represent those of feeling like a hated person.  I love how the first verse is him as the hated person, which is normal for a Christian prodigal son description, until he claims to be both the prodigal son and his brother.  The second verse is where I started crying the first time I listened to this song.  He is the stoner and the woman stoned, he is the leper that gave thanks and the 9 that never came and realizing that for myself, broke me.  Realizing that all my love was vinegar and that all of this life is a gift of mercy from the king.  And the bridge… oh the bridge.  Starting with a seed and building it up to the cross and what Jesus did, and the slow build of the strings and how they start to show hope musically and lyrically, at the same time.  And finally he goes from asking about the Mystery of Mercy, to finally just accepting it and praising the Lord for being his, and THAT, is something truly amazing.  The final strings bring a full sense of peace.  Like I said, one of the best songs I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing.

Example Track

Song of the Day 12/15/10: Caedmon’s Call – Mystery of Mercy

This song is about me.

I could talk a lot about Caedmans Call for a long time.  In the interest of you actually listening to the song I’ll say only this, the idea of us being paradoxes, and being both one side and the other, pulls at my heart like nothing else.  And the mystery of mercy puzzles me all the time.  I love the build in this song and how the musical build follows the themes so clearly, as we see the move from shame and sadness, to confusion, to hope and finally worship.  Can it be more perfect?