Song of the Day 01/28/13: Adema – Trust

Adema comes from one of the most dreaded corners of rock music. Nu-Metal. Now as much as I understand the disgust of this genre due it producing acts like Limp Bizkut and Korn (Wow what’s with the K’s? I never realized that.) it is still apart of my history and everyones history who grew up listening to metal in the later 90’s and early 2000’s. I never listened to a single album after their debut but I can say that Adema’s self-titled album is one of my most listened to albums in 2001. Something about its blend of angst and melody really sold itself to me. It’s weird because Ive never been a fan of Korn(Adema’s obvious influence. Marky Chavez is actually Jonathan Davis’ half brother). Still, you know those albums you’ve listened to a million times in a row so that it doesnt matter how you grow musically and mature, you can still go back and love that album? This is one of those albums for me. So I can’t judge it. For all I know its a terrible album by general standards.However, drowning in the nostalgia of being a freshman in high school, I couldnt tell you. I love it. So if you woke up this morning and thought, I wonder if there’s any great Nu-Metal albums a missed… I’d start here.