Current Obsession 10/25/13: The Ongoing Concept

I know I know! Its been forever since Ive been posted anything here. The reasons abound but mostly focus in on me spending the last few months losing 23 pounds in order to surprise my Fiance I hadnt seen in 3 months. Did I mention I also moved halfway across the country(ish) in order to be near her. I also had to set up a new apartment space and get back to work force in NYC. Oh and I flew out to Dallas and Oklahoma City for a week. So yes… excuses excuses.

On to the important thing. Ive FINALLY gotten a chance to just sit down and listen to music while I wait for the 6 hour window that my gas company can come by and turn on my gas. The Ongoing Concept is best described by me as “Thrice on crack”. If you dont like screaming, this definitely is the band for you but if you either enjoy screaming or dont mind some of it mixed in with your music, then welcome to heaven! The band combines metalcore and… wild west style saloon pianos? on the albums true opener to create an amazing blend of powerful strangeness. The way the music flows between the two mediums is done so seamlessly you’ll wonder why its taken so long for this to happen! Like most aggressively screaming bands, this one tends to make me laugh out loud in amazement at the songs being played. Definitely give the song a full listen as you need more than just the first 30 seconds to appreciate this one.

I also find the video to Cover Girl to be very amusing, especially because I hadnt yet heard the band when I watched the video.

Song of the Day 12/12/12: Straight Line Stitch – Black Veil

I’m not a huge fan of Metalcore. There are certain bands I follow closely but at the end of the day there’s just a little bit too much screaming for my liking. However, I stumbled across Alexis Brown and I just had to feature one of her tracks just to give her some respect knuckles. Im not a huge fan of female screaming vocals but I was blown away by her raw power. She can really scream with the best of them. If you dont like screaming, feel free to skip this one. You wont find much else to highlight here.