Build A Workout: Failed Mix 3

If you’re not sure what this is about, start by heading HERE and reading the introduction to this section of my blog.

This mix was developed off of Failed Mix 2 which you can read about HERE.

Alright! I got to go for another run and while I didnt think the mix flowed well enough to be successful, I am definitely getting more fit! When I started this project I was putting in 2 miles over 30 minutes. Today I put in 3 miles in 34 minutes! Lets start with the track list.

1. Akatsuki – Takahashi Yasunara

2. In for the Kill (Skrillex Remix) – La Roux

3. Prayer for the Refuge – Rise Against

4. Liberi Fatali – Nobuo Uematsu

5. Ringa Ringa – A R Rahman

6. Americano – Lady Gaga

7. The Decisive Battle – Powerglove

8. Bloody Mary – Lady Gaga

9. Viva Rock – Orange Range

The first thing you’ll notice is that I’ve increased the length of my run. After the last mix came up short, I increased the length to about 34 minutes. The two new song additions were added at the beginning to extend my initial warm up period and replace a failed stride. That failed stride which also failed as a warm up (“Viva Rock”) was moved to the cool down position in a last ditch effort to make it work.

How’d it go? The weakness in this mix was definitely the new additions. “Akatsuki” was an excellent warm up.

I mentioned last time that it can be a bit short so I added a second  warm up in the form of “In for the Kill”. Unfortunately I just couldnt get into the build. It starts off perfectly which is why I chose it. Right up to the first Skrillex dubstep drop at the minute and half mark it works great. The drop just didnt propel me forward the way I thought it would. The other problem is that the song then kind of stalls out before going back to its original momentum. Warm up‘s really require a more consistent build to motivate you to get faster and faster. This one just left my body confused wanting to accelerate when the pace of the song wasnt allowing it to.

I had a similar pacing problem with “Prayer for the Refugee”. While the song is pretty frickin amazing, I just felt that it didnt have the steadiness required for the stride positon. The song has this ebb and flow between its verses and chorus that just doesnt translate to the consistency necessary. Still, I love the song and I’ll definitely be trying it out as a burnout in my next workout.

Speaking of burnouts “Liberi Fatali” continues to be an amazing one! Actually from this point forward I have no complaints until the end of the mix as the rest works as well as it did in my previous mix.

I moved “Viva Rock” to the cool down position. Can you tell I really wanted this song to work? It was too fast paced for a warm up and too jumpy for a strideI thought it might still be able to work as a cool down with its marching beat. Unfortunately, even here it left me feeling uneasy and confused trying to make my body work when it should have been time to rest. Maybe there is a place for this song in a workout mix somewhere but not for me. I think its time I retire this song after three failed attempts.

Lets hope I learn from these failures and eventually produce another great mix to run to. Good luck on your work outs!

58. Metallica – Metallica


I know that some would say that the black album is where Metallica sold out. If you mean sold their souls to the devil to blend thrash metal and pop to create an addictive masterpiece of headbanging, fist pumping, awesome, then I agree with you. The black album is not an album I can judge on merits of any kind. Some albums are so engrained in your growth as a person that they are beyond reproach. This is the album that drew me deeper into the world of music. I can still remember listening to it and being upset that I couldnt tell what the name of the song playing was. My brother could listen to a riff and immediately name the track. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world and it was this thought that drew me to an obsession with knowing bands, albums and songs after hearing only a small snippet of a song. It still bothers me when a song comes onto my ipod and I cant immediately name all of those things. Musically, the band introduced me to the power behind metal and they did it while sounding cool as hell. No wimpy 80’s hair metal sound here. No one can growl quite like James Hetfield. Sad but True sold me on the true power of a riff. Not only that, the Black Album made it ok to accept your softer side with wonderful songs like The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters. It’s funny because I hardly ever listen to the black album but the second I put it on, a million childhood memories start flooding back. Metallica also became a social calling card in the early days. Oh, you like Metallica? We’re cool. The album remains one of the shining examples of successful pop metal and constantly reaffirms my love for music.


What does it make me feel like?


METALLICA!!! (Tongue sticking out, hands forming the horns above my head)


What to Listen for Track by Track


It’s almost always about the riffs when it comes to Metallica. Who can forget that first drum build up and then crash into the signature Enter Sandman riff.

– 23 seconds. That’s how long it takes before you realize Sad but True may have the greatest headbanging riff of all time. Seriously, try not to nod your head to this. It isn’t possible.

– Everything about The Unforgiven! Get your lighters out!

– The opening notes of Where Ever I May Roam! That sitar is unbelievable. Another headbanging masterpiece.

– The opening guitar part of Don’t Tread on Me is probably responsible for my eventual love for neoclassical metal.

The solo of Nothing Else Matters! I love this song!!!

– “Back the the meaning of… Life!” Of Wolf and Man

–  The bass line of My Friend of Misery! The first thing I learned when I picked up bass.

– Once again, the opening guitar and drums on The Struggle Within

Example Track

Build a Workout Burnout: Powerglove – The Decisive Battle

Oh Powerglove! Powerglove combines metal with various videogame soundtracks and tv show themes. “The Decisive Battle” is the boss battle theme from Final Fantasy VI and just the little midi version of the song gets me going. Hearing electric guitars power through the main melody gets my body moving like nothing else. There’s a reason termites work faster to metal. Speed and power metal are great for burnouts and “The Decisive Battle” was no exception.