Current Obsession 08/02/13: The Illalogical Spoon

Just when you think you’ve heard all there is to hear, you discover the Illalogical Spoon! I went to the Avenue in Lansing yesterday to support my sister since she was playing a show. The band that went on after her was the Illalogical Spoon and they BLEW ME AWAY! Spirited beyond all reason and wild, very very wild. These insane christian anarchists put on one amazing show full of insane freak folk yelling, jam band style off shoots with ten minute songs that are half hymnal half marching band style shout along performance backed by multiple singers and more a ton of instruments including flute, clarinet and accordion to name a few! You really need to hear the band to understand the wonder!

Head over to their Bandcamp page HERE and buy all their albums! Suggested donation. You will not regret it.

Also, if you wanna read a short but sweet article to get a little more info on the band: Go HERE

What do you think?