Build a Workout: Failed Mix 1

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This next mix is being dubbed a failed mix because it doesnt work for me. It is the first alteration of my Initial Mix. Let’s start by laying out the tracklist:

1. Viva Rock – Orange Range

2. Born This Way – Lady Gaga

3. Liberi Fatali – Nobuo Uematsu

4. Government Hooker – Lady Gaga

5. Americano – Lady Gaga

6. The Decisive Battle – Powerglove

7. Bloody Mary – Lady Gaga

8. We Are the Champions – Queen

First lets quickly go over the changes and then I’ll go into the details. I switched out “Marry the Night” for “Viva Rock” as my warm up. Then I switched out “Judas” for “Liberi Fatali” as my burnout. Lastly, I replaced the not so productive “Scheise” stride for another burnout, ” The Decisive Battle” in the hopes to boost me up for a second wind.

Where did things go wrong? Immediately. Maybe I’m just tired because I worked out yesterday but “Viva Rock” built up way too quickly! I thought the song would work well as a warm up because it slowly builds on itself getting more and more powerful. Unfortunately it goes from zero to 50 in like the first 20 seconds and my body was just not prepared for that level of energy. Having a great warm up is extremely important to your run. If you try to fire up the body too fast, you’re asking for your body to quit on you. That is exactly what mine did. I still think “Viva Rock has potential to motivate me on a run, I’ll just have to shift its position in the next mix.

Thanks to my rough start, I was practically out of breath by the time I got to “Born This Way”. Thankfully, the song served its purpose perfectly as an upbeat stride and kept me going strong for the next 4 minutes despite being very winded.

At this point in my run, I was about ready to collapse. This is where a great burnout can really shine and “Liberi Fatali” is BLINDING! I was about to keel over and yet the second those strings came in, I knew it wasnt time to give up yet.The first minute and a half of the song isn’t exactly burnout material but you can feel the build and that alone kept me at a steady pace. Then at 1:28 things start to go insane! As the choir starts pumping in full power and the drums starst to create this incredible march, the adrenaline just started pumping into me. I pumped the treadmill up to 7mph and was cruising along happily when 1:51 hit! I cranked it up to 8mph and was just running full speed ahead till the end of the song! This is a perfect example of a burnout. One minute I was ready to crash, the next I’m running faster than ever. Add this one to permanent list!

While the burnout served its purpose, I could never been more thankful for “Government Hooker”. I slowed way down to a walk, my body ready to keel over thanks to it being pushed too hard during the warm up. Here I will again mention that a stride serves its purpose by getting you to keep a specific pace and keep going. The speed isnt what matters. I definitely rested through most of this one.

Americano did a good job of warming me back up and I was feeling good again but halfway through the song my body started giving me the give up signals. I powered through it because I knew what was coming next.

Oh Powerglove! Powerglove combines metal with various videogame soundtracks and tv show themes. “The Decisive Battle” is the boss battle theme from Final Fantasy VI and just the little midi version of the song gets me going. Hearing electric guitars power through the main melody gets my body moving like nothing else. There’s a reason termites work faster to metal. Speed and power metal are great for burnouts and “The Decisive Battle” was no exception. I was very thankful I added a second burnout to this mix since it allowed me to push myself a little harder than I would have with another stride here.

This lead into my second stride, “Bloody Mary”. At this point my mind and body were pretty much gone so I dont have much to say about it.

When “We Are the Champions” finally began to blair into my ears, I definitely felt like one, thought a tired one for sure.

Overall this mix wasnt a bad one. It mostly worked and would be listed as my next official mix with a playlist for it if not for the abrupt warm up. Lesson learned. I’ll try again and keep adding songs to my permanent lists. If you havent already noticed, I’ve been adding each successful song to permanent lists where you can go to find music to build your own mixes. Thanks for reading! Come back for more! Comment and share cause I would love some feedback.

What do you think?