Pain of Salvation Ranked Entry 42: Innocence

I finally escaped the epic tracks of Remedy Lane only to land straight on top of another album ender. Innocence is the closing track to Road Salt One. Surprisingly enough, I was not a very big fan on my first couple listens of the album. I say surprising because it is probably the song that sounds most like traditional Pain of Salvation track after an album full of experimentation. I’ve done a 180 since then though and I love the song now. I dont think Pain of Salvation has any bad ending songs. All their albums go out with a bang. “Innocence”, as Daniel repeatedly sings during the song, is about losing ones innocence. Specifically referring to the albums concept of the Road of Life and how the hardships on that road cause us to lose our innocence. Before Road Salt Two  was released, I assumed the track was a form of cliff hanger showcasing how all the varied character lose their innocence in album one and then would have to find away to pick themselves up in part two. I think it is also meant as a summary track, reminding us how all the earlier tracks are connected and fall under the same concept. Musically it has all the usual flourish associated with Pain of Salvation final tracks. It’s full of huge builds, and walls of sound and Daniel spitting out life lessons in his most dramatic fashion. Also, I think I mentioned this previously but the highlight of the Road Salt Sequence is by and far Daniel’s voice.


The opening guitar riff reminds us of the albums deep ’70s influence.

That first set of breathes at 0:25. Daniel really has a gift for making breathing noise on his albums.

Daniel’s falsetto during the opening verse and the way it waivers.

The background Daniel at 1:17 singing along to the guitar part.

1:39 when Daniel’s voice deepens and the organ comes in.

The echoing vocals at 2:53 when he sings “Always thought I’d be much more”.

3:07! The amount of voices bouncing off of one another.

And 4:32. Reminds me a lot of some of Daniels vocals on One Hour By the Concrete Lake

The strange last couple minutes of Outro.


“Innocence” is an excellent ending to an amazing album and successfully closes the first chapter of the Road Salt Sequence. I like “Innocence” more than “A Trace of Blood” but not as much as “Disco Queen“.

Note: For some reason the youtube poster put album artwork for Road Salt Two on this track from Road Salt One.

What do you think?