Song of the Day 11/01/12: Mindless Self Indulgence – You’ll Rebel to Anything (As Long as It’s Not Challenging)

Ive posted about my love for Mindless Self Indulgence in the past. Mostly I love their insane beats and industrial punk/rap stylings full of non-sensical offend everyone kind of lyrics. It’s kind of like South Park, with the make fun of everything and everyone including yourselves to effectively nullify any real complaints. In a rare instance, this Mindless Self Indulgence song actually has a message that isnt mindless. This is a stab at any group of whiny middle class rich kids who join together to show how messed up their lives are while bonding over common  musical interest (most likely directed at scene kids based on the time of its release. Ok seriously, its directed at scene kids.). I love the lyrics and the insane way the song kind of unwinds over time. To understand what kind of band MSI is, you must also realize that a large part of their fan base, was these exact kind of people. So this isnt a band writing a hate song towards say, teenie boppers who listen to Britney Spears; This was the band actively attacking their own fans. Brilliant. You either love ’em or hate ’em.

What do you think?