Song of the Day 09/24/12: Twin Shadow – Tyrant Destroyed

Have you ever had a song be the soundtrack to your day without even listening to it??  That happens to me quite often.  I’ll be in a certain mood and the beat from a song will play over and over in my head.  I had a very long contemplative day alone at home and the beat of this song was just pumping in the back of my mind.  I love how chill it is, while being just progressive enough to promote a forward thinking mentality.  It was REALLY helping me work through some things in my head.  Naturally I had to share it.  I first listened to Twin Shadow when I found out his album was produced by Chris Taylor, of Grizzly Bear.  His music is very subtle and it may not capture you on the first listen, but someday you’ll find yourself humming this song out of the blue and that’s when you’ll know it finally got to you.

What do you think?